Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Is A Hero?

To the media, a hero is often a celebrity, such as a movie star or a sports figure.

But they are not necessarily heroes. A hero is a mother sitting up all night with her sick child. A hero is a father who works long hours at a low paying job to support his family.

A hero is someone who volunteers in a children's cancer center and helps those children to find joy in their lives, while privately crying with their parents and grandparents.

A hero is someone who anonymously donates to a charity or donates blood, which is the gift of life.

A hero is someone who works in a pet rescue center, loving those critters and doing everything possible to find wonderful homes for them.

A hero is someone who offers a loving foster home for troubled children who no-one else wants.

This is only a partial list of heroes and seldom is there any public recognition for their heroism. But that's not what matters, for their dedication to great causes bring their own rewards and the most heroic among us become unsung heroes, the people who are the foundation for a successful society.


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