Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why Doesn't God Answer?

Sometimes our most fervent prayers seemingly go unanswered, which defies our logic. If there is a God, why doesn't The Almighty answer?

The reason is our karma, and the karma of the others involved. The death of a loved one for example is painful but inevitable, and it calls upon us for acceptance, and to learn the inherent lessons of our role in that person's life.

What brought him or her into our lives and what could we have done to make that person's life better?  Also, are we trying to hold on to a life that had completed its cycle, however young or old that person may have been?

Separation comes to each of us, for you and I will pass. What we have the power to do is to celebrate life and bring love, joy and laughter to ourselves and others. We need no divine intervention to make that happen.


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