Thursday, April 23, 2009

A $165 Million Outrage

"How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat," said President Obama about AIG's bonuses. The U.S. news media is all over this AIG story and Americans are upset by it.

But in Iraq, where U.S. media coverage is minimal, $165 million won't even pay for 10 hours of war and this cost too is paid by the taxpayers. Where is the outrage for a war that has cost a trillion dollars and counting?

A trillion dollars is over $3,000 for every single American. In a family of four, that would be $12,000. And for what? Iraq is a U.S. military occupation, run as a prison lockdown and their economy, like their nation is in ruins.

Candidate Obama spoke of ending the war in 16 months. President Obama intends to continue it until at least the December 31, 2011 deadline negotiated by President Bush.

Americans are upset about AIG, silent about Iraq. Please don't be among them for your voice matters. Speak-up in the name of humanity and for sanity to end a war that can bring nothing but more heartache and financial and moral bankruptcy.

Yes, AIG's $165 billion in bonuses is outrageous. But I for one would pay them many times that amount if they would do as Mr. Obama will not, end the Iraq war.


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