War makes murder admirable, torture respectable and lies credible. For example, no-one supports torture but when it is "enhanced interrogation," and done to prevent imminent danger, it becomes necessary and even respectable.
Now we have a new seemingly harmless phrase called "monetizing the debt." What does it mean? It means the Federal Reserve is printing money out of thin air to pay for the U.S.'s skyrocketing debts.
America's massive spending on weapons and wars and on huge corporate bailouts at the expense of America's vast working class has made it necessary.
The U.S. government is borrowing money at record levels and its need is so great it can no longer borrow enough so the Fed is printing the difference. America's major creditors are "worried" as China put it.
America's creditors know this and it worries them so much, some are already cutting back on the amounts they're loaning to the U.S. Why? Because running the monetary presses leads to hyper-inflation which means they will get paid back in ever cheaper dollars. And as they lend less, the Fed runs the presses more.
If you are an American, what will this mean to you? The value of your money will be destroyed. If that seems hard to believe, be aware currency collapses are common in the world yet nobody ever believes it can happen to them until it does.
The U.S. government for example, doesn't believe the dollar's collapse will happen however irresponsible it is. This is called denial.
Can this horrific scenario be prevented? Yes, for it is not yet too late. But it calls for drastic action now! The U.S. government must stop spending staggering sums of money on weapons and wars and end the bailouts.
It must also raise your taxes to pay for all the crazy deficit spending it's already done. But to politicians these things are not politically acceptable so tomorrow's financial time bomb awaits us.
What can you do? Don't be lulled to sleep by a charismatic President's assurances nor accept such seemingly harmless phrases as "monetizing the debt," any more than you now would accept "enhanced interrogation."
Raise your voice for as others hear it they too may get involved and together we can prevent this disastrous Titanic level financial collapse that will otherwise sink us.
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