Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saving America

Directed by President Bush, the CIA tortured numerous prisoners, some to death, which is unconscionable and a gross violation of U.S. and International Law. Mr. Bush accepts no responsibility, saying his actions were justified and legal.

The situation is so bad, President Obama now opposes releasing dozens of pictures of this torture afraid it will set-off a huge wave of anti-America sentiment abroad and anger and shame at home. It will also trigger strong widespread demands for prosecution of those who conducted it, starting at the top, President Bush.

Meanwhile House Speaker Pelosi claims Congress is not responsible for she didn't know it was happening, but documents show she did.

Giant U.S. financial institutions collapse from massive greed and crazy investments. Do they accept responsibility? Not at all as they demand and receive bailout money. Whose money? The money from America's vast number of working people whose financial security they jeopardized.

Violating U.S. and International Law, the U.S. invades Afghanistan and Iraq, selling it to the American people with titles such as "Operation Iraqi Freedom," when in fact both nations are under U.S. military occupation. Vast numbers of their people have been killed, injured or orphaned. The U.S. has even spread the war to Pakistan.

President Obama is elected after blaming President Bush for all these horrifc actions. He then forgives the CIA torturers, expands the corporate bailouts, continues the war in Iraq, while escalating the one in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Baseball, "America's pastime" is rocked by on going drug scandals. Do the players accept responsibility? Only when caught. Do team owners accept responsibility for knowingly looking the other way? No, they issue brief suspensions, anxious to get their top revenue producers back on the field. But then this is just a reflection of America's leadership, one of irresponsibility and greed.

As for the economic crisis, we're told the worst is behind us because the financial institutions are doing better and the stock market is up. But most Americans don't know the results of the financial "stress tests" on the biggest banks were rigged to paint a better picture.

They don't know that last month accounting standards were lowered so lenders no longer must accurately value the huge losses in their portfolios, nor do most people know the Fed is now printing money out of thin air, an action which could trigger hyper-inflation.

The very premise that working class America, the people who pay most of the taxes and barely keep their heads above water, are bailing out corporate giants shows us all how absurd the system has become.

If you want change, if you want fairness, if you want to end the wars and stabilize the financial and political systems, you're going to have to get involved. The political system won't fix itself and it belongs to you, not to the people who have taken it from you. Only in your silence could they have done this. So speak up and demand your rights and you'll rock this corrupt system to its foundation.

As you raise your voice, others will find the courage to raise theirs. Together we will restructure this government so it once again becomes "Of the people, by the people and for the people."


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