Friday, July 10, 2009

President Obama Tell Us The Truth!

President Obama, tell us the truth about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. You promised "transparency," a promise you're not honoring.

For example, tell us about a day in the life of an Iraqi. Do they have jobs? Are they safe? Do their children have schools? Is there medical care? Clean drinking water? Garbage pickup and sewage treatment?

Where are the pictures of everyday life in Baghdad so we can see it for ourselves? Where are the pictures of their neighborhoods? Where are the stories of children and their families? Under President Bush these things were censored. Now that you're in office, where are those pictures? Where are those stories?

As a candidate, you promised we'd be out of Iraq in 16 months. As President, you instead took over the Bush plan in its entirety, making Iraq your war. You retained his military personnel including his Defense Secretary. And you've continued hiring a vast number of Blackwater style mercenaries. Why did you do these things?

Under you, is the U.S. still seizing and holding people indefinitely without charges as President Bush did? Are you running torture chambers?

After all the blood that has been spilled and all the dollars spent aren't we entitled to know these things?

And now you're rapidly expanding the Afghanistan-Pakistan war. Why? What do hope to accomplish? At what cost and when?

Are you trying to keep us informed but the news media is not doing its job? If so tell us so we can pressure them to honor their obligations under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

Vast numbers of Americans voted for you because they believed in your promises of "change" and "transparency." Where is the change? Where is the transparency? As we confront extremely difficult issues like the wars and the economy, we need you to level with us, so that together we can solve them.

Dick Kazan

1 comment:

beachfnt said...

As Gandhi said "Truth alone will endure; all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time," the violations of the US Constitution and International Law by the last administration will become apparent. Sadly, the current administration will suffer the same fate as continuing the same old plod is the path of least resistance...