Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Are Fallen Soldiers Heroes?

On September 21st, Italy held a national day of mourning, as it remembered its six soldiers killed in Afghanistan the prior week. A state funeral was held at St. Paul's Basilica in Rome, as the caskets were displayed for the world to see and the nation mourned with the grieving families.

That same week, the U.S. had 18 soldiers killed in Afghanistan and four in Iraq. But if you didn't read it here, you may not have been aware.

For there was no national day of mourning. Americans didn't share in the family's sorrow as the dead were buried with little or no news media coverage, out of sight and largely forgotten.

As for the severely wounded soldiers, they too were largely forgotten. Yet for the rest of their lives, these courageous individuals will live without an arm or a leg, or perhaps bear brain damage or some other horrific injury.

It's easy for politicians when it suits their purposes to publicly proclaim these brave soldiers "heroes" and then afterward quickly forget them, as life goes on. But how can anyone be so callous as to treat "heroes" this way?

If you are an American, as I am, these soldiers are fighting and in some cases dying for us. What kind of a people would allow these wars to continue as long as they are spared the brutal impact of them?

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were colossal mistakes and for reasons unstated, U.S. political leaders continue one and are escalating the other. Why? What can possibly be accomplished? There are no clearly stated objectives, no timeline or budget, just endless warfare.

Every day these "heroes" put their lives on the line for an indifferent nation. If you find that offensive, speak-up! Your voice counts and it could help to end these wars and rescue these soldiers and bring them home safely to their families. Isn't that the least we can do for people who risk their lives for us?


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