Friday, November 20, 2009

The Disuniting Of America

"Unemployment skyrocketed ... The deficit is becoming frightening ... We are reduced to begging China to buy our debts and getting lectures from other nations on our financial disarray," Kevin Brady, Senior House Republican on the joint economic committee told Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner yesterday [11/19/09].

"The public has lost all confidence in you," added Mr. Brady, suggesting Mr. Geithner should resign.

Mr. Geithner rejected the criticism, blaming Congress for "the legacy of crises you've bequeathed this country," in reference to Congress' vast spending of money America doesn't have.

What both men said is true and surveys also tell us the public has lost confidence in Congress as well. But the U.S. is fighting for its financial survival and as a people, we need to unite to solve our staggering problems.

Instead of squabbling in public, these gentlemen should resolve their differences privately and when the testimony begins, discuss solutions, reach agreement and take action now before the situation grows worse.

These personal insults show how inept the government is. You and I and others must get involved and encourage our representatives to respect each other and before it's too late, move now to cut off printing money out of thin air and end the spending of money we don't have on bailouts, weapons and wars.

For our voices are important and if we do not use them, in our silence our nation will complete its financial collapse.


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