Saturday, November 21, 2009

China's New Relationship With The U.S.

The relationship between the U.S. and China will never again be the same as it was before the Obama visit.

It will now be one of a powerful banker attempting to impose tough restrictions on a deeply troubled borrower. At first the changes will be subtle, but as the U.S. keeps begging for money, China will exert growing control.

For their intent is to protect their massive investment in U.S. government debt. They want to stop the U.S. from running up ruinous deficits, which will cause hyper-inflation and the collapse of the dollar.

But it's not just China but all of humanity that calls to us as Americans to save our dollar. For the global economy and the world's financial security is at stake. We must raise our voices now for moral and fiscal sanity or mankind for years to come will bear the consequences of our silence.


1 comment:

beachfnt said...

It is clear that the course chosen by the many congresses and Presidents since President Nixon took us off the gold standard was to borrow our way to prosperity. Today more than ever there is a kick the can down the road mentality (do it until you can't) and even though it is clear that China gave President Obama some serious prodding, he doesn't have the will to make drastic changes.

The US isn't the first country to go bankrupt and won't be the last. It will be painful for us all!!!