Friday, December 11, 2009

The U.S. Government Desperately Borrows To Pay Its Bills

The U.S. government is spending so much money, it is in a race to raise its debt ceiling so it can borrow more of the money it desperately needs.

For more details, please see The Washington Post, [12/11/09], "House leader says government needs to borrow at least $1.8 trillion more" [to avoid defaulting on its debts].

To see how quickly our debts are mounting, please visit

Keep in mind that as our government borrows, it has no idea how it will ever pay the money back. Eventually, the interest charges alone will overwhelm us.

As a nation, we are headed for hyper-inflation and bankruptcy unless you and I get involved. There is no fiscal discipline and the system is not going to fix itself. But this is our money they're spending and our voices count. It's not too late.

If you haven't yet raised your voice yet, please do so now in the name of moral and fiscal sanity.


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