Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Taliban Strike Stuns The Afghan Capital And The World

On Monday the Taliban struck hard at the Afghan government, just 50 yards from the presidential palace.

Four hours later, when the explosions that shook everything in their path ended and the gunfire was silenced and as the black plumes of smoke cleared, at least 12 people lay dead and 71 more were seriously injured. The blown out office buildings added to the stark testimony of the Hell that had reigned.

This latest attack did something few in the media are aware. It told investors across the globe that no place in Afghanistan is safe for investment. Without their money, the nation cannot grow and prosper, instead sinking deeper into poverty and misery.

What happens next? The Taliban "militants" or "freedom fighters" will choose when and where to strike again and all the U.S.'s Afghan puppet government can do is to be it's victim. After fixing last year's election, this government remains in power only because of the U.S. military and the U.S. mercenary army.

If you doubt that, ask yourself how the Taliban was able to come heavily armed into the most secure part of Kabul, despite all the U.S. and Afghan security. Clearly, they have supporters in the highest levels of that government.

The Afghan government rules only in the capital as the Taliban, the War Lords and the village elders rule elsewhere, something the U.S. cannot change with a million troops and endless air attacks. The Taliban are Afghans and they can wage this war indefinitely, something a foreign occupier cannot do.

If you're an American, why should you care? Because your brethren, U.S. and Afghan are being killed or maimed. But also because your country is going broke and it will bankrupt your money with it.

Instead of escalating this war, the U.S. must seek peace. The way to do this is to call for a cease fire and negotiate a settlement for this is how most wars end.

But it won't happen soon, and not without a lot more bloodshed, unless you raise your voice. Please, for humanity and to protect all you have worked for, do it now. Your conscience will thank you, as will the world and ultimately future generations will thank you as well.


1 comment:

beachfnt said...

War in Afghanistan??? Funny but I think I've seen this play many times in this region...

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." - Winston Churchill