Friday, February 26, 2010

The Despicable Patriot Act Is Quietly Renewed By Congress

Signed into law on October 26, 2001 by President Bush, this Act allows the virtual shredding of the U.S. Bill of Rights, as law enforcement can without warrants spy, break into homes, seize people and their private documents and take other actions the police arbitrarily feel are necessary to combat terrorism.

It was part of Mr. Bush's "War on Terror," an empty abstraction that allows him and his successors to launch wars, invade and occupy other sovereign nations or take any other actions they choose, including against U.S. citizens.

This horrific Act would never stand a serious court test for it blatantly violates the U.S. Constitution. Yet this week, while the Health Care summit and the Olympics grabbed intense media attention, the Democratic Party controlled House and Senate quietly renewed it and sent it to President Obama for signature.

That it was done secretively is no surprise for it is so disgraceful, such a threat to the American people, that few politicians would want to be associated with it. So why did it overwhelmingly pass?

Because huge government agencies and their corporate contractors make enormous sums of money from it and with big checkbooks or promises of creating District jobs they lobby Congress.

But also because when speaking to specific audiences that are fearful of terrorism, which they see potentially everywhere, it makes a particular Congressman or Senator appear "tough on terror."

This covert renewal of The Patriot Act is a disgrace to the American people. What you as a U.S. citizen think counts, for this is still at least in theory your government. If you will raise your voice in opposition, you could make a difference and maybe even give Mr. Obama, who as a candidate promised "change," the courage to veto it.


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