Monday, July 19, 2010

What Kind Of A Nation Has The U.S. Become?

Continuing death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, creating ever more widows and orphans and crippling many other people and Americans look the other way, as if it was not happening. Iraqi and Afghan children dying from lack of medical care and once again, Americans look the other way.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., 2.5 million Americans had their jobless benefits run out and are desperately struggling to support their families. many could lose the roofs over their heads and Americans look the other way. Why? Because to help these people would raise the deficit, yet the amount of money involved is petty cash compared with the vast out of control military spending.

Is this a U.S. you are proud of? Does it represent your values? If not, please raise your voice for compassion, for human dignity, for sanity for you could make a difference in the lives of others. Let us end these wars and rescue our brethren over there and rescue our brethren over here.


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