Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Would Legalize Marijuana

"The people next store smoke marijuana and the smell is coming into my unit," said an angry tenant in an apartment building my wife and I owned. "Do something about it!" We did, telling the other tenant that whether it was marijuana or cigarettes, they must be more considerate or we will terminate their lease.

Problem solved. No police, no courts, no jail necessary. But you and I as taxpayers should by so lucky. Our criminal system requires police to pursue marijuana arrests. This is time they don't spend solving violent crimes such as murders, robberies and rapes. And as the police make arrests, it backs up the court system trying these cases, takes even more police time to testify and then the jail system is overrun as these "criminals" are locked up. All of this at taxpayer expense!

Meanwhile, the public school systems beg parents for money, as local governments are slashing expenses for they too are short of funds.

But the War on Drugs, is flush with taxpayer cash as it wastes many billions of dollars each year forever escalating the failed fight against drugs, much as was done during Prohibition. Finally in 1933,  Prohibition was ended and alcohol was again legalized and it was regulated and taxed, making it profitable for taxpayers, not the Al Capone style violent gangs that had run rampant on all that money. Today, U.S. and Mexican, Colombian and Brazilian drug cartels run rampant, and marijuana is a huge cash crop.

If you use marijuana, I don't want my tax dollars used to arrest, prosecute and possibly jail you. Instead, it is long past time for marijuana use to also be legalized, regulated and taxed. And a portion of that money set aside for drug education, and for those in need, rehab and medical care.

For another perspective, please see The Wall Street Journal, "Why I Support legal Marijuana" by George Soros. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303467004575574450703567656.html

1 comment:

beachfnt said...

Extremely well said!!! I hope 51% of the people that vote on Tuesday have your good sense!