Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why The War On Terror Will Fail

The War on Terror will fail because it is based on terror, intimidation and ultimately murder. It is based on depriving others of their freedoms and destroying their sense of self-respect and demolishing their economies.

The War on Terror is an attempt to possess the unpossessable. We are all in this life for such a brief time and when it ends, we leave with no possessions, no empire.

The War on Terror is an attempt to control the uncontrollable. In the 21st Century, whether in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or in any other nation, the people refuse to be colonized. Despite having state of the art weapons and vast sums of money and power, the U.S. was defeated and driven out of Vietnam.

The War on Terror destroyed Iraq and keeps Baghdad, Mosul and other major cities in lock down under a puppet government, as insurgents continue to strike. Afghanistan is a disaster. Meanwhile, the U.S., by far the world's biggest debtor nation is rapidly depleting its financial resources in these lost causes, driven largely by ego and by the military industrial complex.

But there is an answer and it is as old as biblical times. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." It is long past time for America to admit its horrific mistakes, call cease fires, negotiate peace treaties and leave. And then use what is left of its financial resources to rebuild its schools, its medical care, its infrastructure and its social security and invest in tomorrow's technologies that will benefit all mankind.


1 comment:

beachfnt said...

The Military Industrial Complex has weaved its way into politics so well that to kill any project it will negatively effect employment in multiple congressional districts. Not raising let along thinking about cutting "defense" spending is the 3rd rail of American politics.

Sadly until our national credit card gets maxed out, we will continue the folly that is our current foreign policy. The War on Terror is just another reason to keep an enemy identified and justify more military spending.

Sad indeed as the people are simply collateral damage in this non-sense...