Wednesday, March 2, 2011

America: The Strength Of A Nation

Dear Reader, America often speaks proudly of its military power so I would like to pose this question to you: Which is the strongest nation? One with the world's mightiest military, which occupies other nations, has over a 1,000 military bases across the globe and the biggest arsenal including by far the most nuclear weapons?

Is it even more impressive if that nation manufactures weapons and delivery systems including fighter aircraft in every section of itself, a nation whose military spends more on itself than the militaries of all other nations combined? And employs hundreds of thousands of "contractors" at premium rates.

Or, and this is a question America is beginning to wrestle with, is the stronger nation one with a safety net for its poor, its hungry, its disabled and its homeless? A nation that instead of weapons invests in medical care for all of its people and provides its children with an outstanding educational system and a protective structure so that even its poorest or its orphans can be safe and secure.

Is the stronger nation the one that invests in state of the art weapons or in state of the art rapid transit and maintains its highways and bridges? Is the stronger nation the one with the most jet fighters or is it the one that invests in alternative energy and in the environment and in other new industries with high paying jobs?

The U.S. government thinks it can still do all of these things, even as its debts soar out of sight. If you are an American or a foreigner whose country is loaning America money, your voice is important so you better make a choice while the U.S. still has the resources to invest.


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