Saturday, March 5, 2011

Should Taxpayers Pay For Abortions?

There are times in which abortions are necessary, such as from rape, from incest or to save the mother's life and the prospective mother can’t raise the money, leaving government as the last resort.

I respect those with moral convictions who oppose abortions. But the cost of abortions issue as something taxpayers can't afford is usually about the imposition of religious values, with the intent of ridding the U.S. of any abortions.

Yet some of those same people who oppose taxpayer paid abortions, then turn their backs on those who are born. They insist taxpayers can't afford post natal health care for the poor, nor operation head start for poor children, nor public school lunch programs for those who have no money to pay for lunch, nor even public schools, whose budgets are slashed and teachers laid off.

But some who oppose taxpayer paid abortions support the wars which kill or orphan children overseas for they view war as protecting America's "National Security" and this is an acceptable price. To them there is no end to the dollars taxpayers can afford to shower on the U.S. Military and its complex of corporate contractors.

The loss of human life to wars, hunger and disease makes my heartache. I wish we cared more about the lives of the people who have been born, such as the Iraqis and Afghans and the U.S. soldiers, and for that matter, the vast mass of people in America and elsewhere that live in poverty. Respecting and improving their lives instead of killing them or ignoring their deaths, would be an excellent use of our financial resources.


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