Wednesday, April 13, 2011

7 Effective Ways To Relieve Your Low Back Pain

I had long been a body builder lifting very heavy weights when one day in 1999, at the age of 54, suddenly, a bolt of lighting tore through my body, pain so severe, it dropped me to my knees. Desperately seeking relief, I rolled on to the floor while my wife Anne called the paramedics.

They rushed me to the hospital where I spent the next two days, with doctors diagnosing a slipped disc and administering powerful pain relievers. When I could finally return home, it was with a walker and spending most of my day in great pain, either in bed or on the couch.

Over the months that followed, I got better, the pain subsided and as life slowly returned to normal, I knew my heavy weight lifting days were over and that I needed to find some ways to relieve the reoccurring pain and limitations my low back brought on. Consult your doctor but these are some crucial lessons I've learned that have been very beneficial and I believe could help you as well:

1) Select A Top Physical Therapist. I tried various therapists, each of whom was knowledgeable but from a referral from my middle son Kevin, who from a car accident had multiple back surgeries and finally a fusion, I found a very talented therapist who helped to restore my life. Speak to other patients who have been in your position or worse who found that right therapist and then see if that person is right for you.

2) Walk. In 1999, at first all I could do was walk slowly to the bathroom without my walker but bit by bit that increased until I could walk across the house and then in small amounts across the yard. The physical therapist little by little got me walking much more until I could walk for an hour at a time. Walking will strengthen your back and leg muscles and it will let your body naturally adjust and cleanse your discs.

3) Exercise. It may seem right to avoid exercising your back but the opposite is true. After the initial pain symptoms die down, your physical therapist will give you strengthening and flexibility exercises that will help you considerably.

4) Use A Back Support Pillow. Most chairs are poorly designed for sitting and so it is no wonder that 80% of adults will eventually suffer low back pain. Go to a specialty store where you can try out their pillows and buy one for each place you usually sit and one for your car as well, which you can also take into restaurants, sales calls or other stops you make. And don't sit too long. After an hour or so, get up and walk around.

5) Don't Slouch. Maintaining good posture is essential. Stand straight and sit straight with your feet in front of you. This allows your spine to retain its normal curvature.

6) Meditate. For 10 minutes once a day, lay on your back and relax. Then breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This process will unload your spine, relieve your stress, rest your muscles and it too will help your body nourish and cleanse your discs.

7) Shed Excess Weight. For example, if you are 40 pounds overweight, it is like carrying a 40 pound barbell all the time. That puts tremendous unnecessary stress on your discs and in itself can cause back problems.

Back pain can be debilitating and demoralizing but select from these tips those that are right for you and you will find a significant difference in your comfort level and in your ability to do the things you enjoy.

For additional advice, please see:


Samual said...

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Back pain Sydney

Liesel Basil said...

So how long did it take before you fully recovered? The incident really took a great toll on you, totally changing your lifestyle and all. But you recovered well through these lessons, you had the commitment to stay strong throughout the process. People who get involved in road accidents and other unfortunate events should also have the same mindset.