Monday, July 18, 2011

Is The U.S. At War?

The U.S is fighting 5 wars but you wouldn't know it from TV, radio, print or most blogs. The top stories last week were the freeing of Casey Anthony after her trial for her baby's death, raising the U.S. debt ceiling and Los Angeles' "Carmageddone," a non-story. This week it's the Rupert Murdoch scandal and the debt ceiling, unless of course a Hollywood celebrity does something controversial and then the media will race to cover that story, ahead of all others.

But what about the U.S.'s wars? Judging by the news coverage, they don't exist. Yet men, women and children are being killed and maimed in them. The death of Casey Anthony's baby is tragic but this tragedy is happening repeatedly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia as babies and children are being killed, maimed or orphaned. Where is the U.S. media coverage? Where are the demands to have the violence stopped?

U.S. troops are being killed and maimed, their families are left to agonize over them yet politicians, the people who sent them to war say nothing and most Americans continue life as normal, making no sacrifices and giving those wars little thought.

What kind of people have we Americans become? Are we so callous as to be indifferent to the suffering our nation causes others and to the suffering our military families must bear? We no longer even ask why these wars are being fought.


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