Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is The "War on Terror" Really About Ego, Power and Profit?

As the U.S. aggressively expands its "War on Terror," killing and maiming ever more men, women and children, the government no longer makes a serious effort to tell the American people why. Instead it encourages the media to show 9/11 film to scare Americans, while politicians speak of being "tough on terrorism" without discussing all the wars America is now in and their cost in lives and dollars. Why?

Because this War on Terror is a financial bonanza for the military industrial complex, including Haliburton, Blackwater and several hundred other firms. It is as if 9/11 allowed them to win a multi-trillion dollar lottery.  And don't overlook Wall Street which helps the government borrow ever increasing amounts of money to fund the skyrocketing but never discussed costs of these wars. In fact there is never any intelligent discussion or debate on the subject of the War on Terror.

But if you are a U.S. President, you command weapons, soldiers, "contractors," jet fighters, drones, tanks, ships and weapons of mass destruction in some respects far beyond anything the world had ever seen. And you're no longer encumbered by Constitutional limitations, nor the Geneva Convention or the U.N. Charter, as you would have been before 9/11. The President is answerable to no-one except the military industrial complex which keeps him in power.


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