Saturday, October 15, 2011

Why The U.S. Is Spreading Its Wars Deeper Into Africa.

The U.S. government is spreading its Central African Somalian War into Uganda, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to South Sudan, the latter nation being one the U.S. military ignored while widespread genocide was being committed in Darfur. President Obama issued a brief letter to Congress saying U.S. involvement will be minimal and is triggered in response to a bloodthirsty militia. There was no discussion about any attempt to settle this dispute nonviolently.

The President's letter said nothing about what price those nations will pay for U.S. military support or whether the U.S. plans to ever withdraw its troops and if so, when. What is clear is these nations have plentiful natural resources that could be freely plundered by giant U.S. companies, as those resources are secured by the U.S. military and its "contractors," in what the U.S. calls the "free market."   

The President said the U.S. would only send "about 100" soldiers. 100 U.S. soldiers could not even secure South Central Los Angeles, let alone the thousands of miles comprising these nations. So how many more U.S. troops and "contractors" will also be sent has not been disclosed, nor how the U.S. government will pay for them. Nor was it disclosed what happens if this latest undeclared war spreads far beyond those borders as often happens, nor what happens to all the men, women and children who are in the line of fire.

Simply said, this and the other U.S. wars are about building a U.S. empire on behalf of the corporate giants whose campaign contributions fund U.S. elections and the politicians who quietly put the war bills on the U.S. government credit card, one the U.S. taxpayer can no longer afford.

Thank you for my son Kevin for sharing the inital information with me.
For more information, please see "U.S. to Pursue African Rebels," The Wall Street Journal

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