Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are U.S. Housing Prices Beginning To Rise?

No, with few exceptions, they are continuing to fall. Some housing analysts, builders, economists and pundits became optimistic when during the prime summer selling season, in some markets prices edged slightly higher. But many of those sales were foreclosures, while vast numbers of additional foreclosures were held off the markets by lenders still getting their paperwork in order.

Now one of the most important indexes, Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller index of 20 major U.S. cities has shown prices falling again in most of them.,0,3352737.story And I believe prices will continue to fall for months to come, despite interest rates as low as 4% for 30 year fixed rate financing.

Please, if you have a house or condo to sell, consult your local real estate professional but price it to sell and get it sold now, before prices fall further.


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