Friday, December 9, 2011

Jack Abramoff: What Did He Do That Many Other Lobbyists Don't?

The Government in Washington, DC is overwhelmed with lobbyists making "campaign contributions" to buy influence for their powerful clients. The Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, Big Banks and many other organizations domestic and foreign pay lobbyists huge fees. As a result, the U.S. is by far the biggest producer of fighter jets, drones, tanks, ships, guns and weapons of mass destruction and has 10 huge bailed out banks designated "too big to fail," that now control 77% of U.S. banking assets.

So what did Jack Abramoff do that many other lobbyists don't do? Super Pacs and other Pacs shower money on all 435 members of Congress and on major presidential candidates, including the president, who is raising one billion dollars to conduct his campaign. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that money equals free speech, and that corporations are people, which opened the floodgates of money even wider.

In a politically corrupt system that stinks to high heaven, it would appear Jack Abramoff's biggest crimes were being too arrogant and too successful at his profession. His absence only opened the doors of greater opportunity to other potent lobbyists who filled his void. If we Americans want to change this system, we must take control of it, for voting for the two choices lobbyists offer us will only continue a system that serves them and their clients extremely well.


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