Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Will Iraq Become The U.S.'s 51st State?

It would be logical because America continues to pump in staggering sums of money into Iraq, patrols it at will with drones and thousands of "contractors," is actively involved in its political system and even houses its government officials in America's Green Zone, a tightly guarded city within a city in the heart of Baghdad. In fact the U.S. often ignores Iraq's sovereignty as it does whatever it pleases there.

But in the event Iraq doesn't become America's 51st state, using much of the same criteria, perhaps that honor could go to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya or numerous other formerly sovereign nations. Sorry Puerto Rico, you aren't as qualified as many other nations the U.S. attempts to control. Sorry Haiti. Like Somalia, you are just too poor and chaotic.

To learn more about the U.S.'s activities in Iraq, please see "U.S. Drones Patrolling Its Skies Provokes Outrage in Iraq," New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/30/world/middleeast/iraq-is-angered-by-us-drones-patrolling-its-skies.html?_r=2&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2

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