Friday, October 18, 2013

Truths, Contradictions And Illusions

Dear Reader, I offer you the following observations from inspiration and from my experience in 68 years of life:

1) In our youth, we can be touched by the loss of a loved one and carry that loss for the rest of our lives, as we hold that person dear and our memories fresh. It as if time has hardly passed as we can still feel their love and hear their voice and kind words in the recesses of our minds.

2) In our life's journey, unless we are captivated by faith, we never lose our sense of uncertainty nor distance ourselves from the razor's edge of defeat and deprivation. That is what drives us to strive for triumph.

3) We can have many loved ones and bountiful friendships and yet at moments in time feel all alone in the world.*

4) We may embrace education, logic and reason but at times we cast them away in favor of emotional attachments and rationalizations of the ridiculous. This occasional theater of the absurd is something we all have in common.

5) The answers to life's greatest mysteries live within us, residing within our spiritual beings. Yet in search of answers we may travel great distances seeking the answers from others rather than to take the time to look deeply within ourselves.

6) Only a fool willingly makes his world a little colder, and yet at times we are all that fool.

7) We can be tone deaf but when we sing from the heart we make the most beautiful of music.

8) Faith, laughter and love can rescue us from the pain and absurdities of life.

9) Compassion and dignity may arise in the worst of circumstances but in those circumstances is when they are most deeply appreciated.

10) When we ignore the greatness in our souls, we seek it in others only to be disappointed when they fail to meet the standards of excellence we created for ourselves.

11) Our greatest contribution is when we bring joy to the world by making person after person a little happier.

12) We are our most articulate when we say nothing but become devoted listeners for others, for when they speak from their hearts we become the mirror of their souls.

*There are some people who fill that void with a sense of closeness to God.

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