Being a "nigger" is horrific for the word is meant to dehumanize other human beings and justify horrific acts committed against them.
"Nigger" justified slavery, murder, rape and later, discrimination and suspension of legal rights.
The Nazis made the Jews their niggers under other names, as nations at war do the same with "Japs," "Krauts," "Waps" "Gooks," "Chinks" and other of an endless list of dehumanizing names in order to kill or torture them.
Other times we take a legitimate term such as "Muslims" and turn it into a term of fear and hate, so we again can justify horrific acts against them.
Or we term people "queers" based on their sexuality and beat them for sport and deprive them of their legal rights while condemning them to Hell for their "sick behavior."
Sometimes we try to mask this ugliness rather than deal with it. "Nigger" has now become The "N - Word" in polite society, as bigotry boils unresolved right below the surface.
But if we as mankind are to grow beyond it, we must see each other as people with roles, needs and feelings just like our own.
We are mothers and fathers, children and co-workers and friends, all of us hoping to be loved as we share one small planet in a brief spiritual journey of life.
We can respectfully acknowledge one another and offer brotherhood and a helping hand to our brethren in need as we rid ourselves of dehumanizing terms and discover each other's souls and our commonality on this brief journey.
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