Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Ways You Can Afford To Protect Your Health

In this rapidly sinking economy here are 7 ways you can afford to protect your health, even if you are uninsured:

1) COBRA. In the U.S. if you lose your job and it included health insurance, by law you have the right to continue your health coverage for a specific period of time. And it can include pre-existing medical conditions. The cost may be at your expense but the price for coverage you receive will be far better than what you can negotiate on your own.

2) PICK A HIGH DEDUCTIBILITY. Make it $5,000 or even $10,000 deductible. It won't cover small medical bills but it will protect you from financial disaster should you become severely injured or deathly sick.

3) PAY FOR PRIMARY CARE. This includes doctor visits and medical checkups. It will catch medical problems before they get out of control. And many doctors will negotiate a much lower fee if you pay cash because you save them paperwork, time delay to get paid and the discount insurers will negotiate with them.

4) NEGOTIATE WITH THE HOSPITAL. If you have a hospital stay, review their bills in detail for hospitals routinely make billing errors. Then negotiate with them. They negotiate with insurance companies and the government and they can negotiate with you, and even set-up an affordable payment plan with you. Their objective is get paid, not bankrupt you.

5) PARTICIPATE IN A PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM. Wal-Mart and many other drug chains now have plans where you can pay just $4 a month for a wide variety of generic drugs. It includes a lot of commonly used medications which means you can afford to stay on many of your medications. Some of your best pricing may come from Mom & Pop local drug stores, anxious to compete with the big chains.

6) MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH. Diet and exercise are crucial. So is wearing your seat belt when driving or riding in a vehicle. Wear a helmet when you ride a bike. And please don't smoke. Many diseases or crippling injuries you can prevent by living a healthy lifestyle and by taking proper precautions.

7) MAKE YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY. Medical expenses are the second biggest cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. second only to job loss. Allow the time and make the effort to take good care of yourself and you'll live a far healthier and happier life.


Writer's Note: Thank you to Anne's and my youngest son Dr. Clayton Kazan, an emergency room doctor, who helped to prepare this article.

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