Sunday, December 11, 2011

Is Iran A Nuclear Threat To The US?

Estimates of the U.S. nuclear arsenal range from 12,000 to 22,000 weapons and the U.S. produces jet fighters, drones, ships, tanks and other armament far beyond the rest of the world combined. It has over 1,000 foreign military bases across the globe and military spending through the ceiling, even as other necessities such as education, medical care, police and firefighters are being slashed.

Iran is rumored (but not substantiated) to be building its 1st nuclear weapon. I hope that is not so, just as I wish the U.S. and other nuclear powers would disarm. But because the U.S. claims Iran is a nuclear threat, it is prepared to take whatever military action it deems necessary against Iran's 78 million men, women and children. It is also rumored that Israel, which does have a nuclear arsenal and the latest in fighter jets, is prepared to make a preventative strike against Iran. This is all madness, but not illogical considering the vast U.S. government spending on its military industrial complex and that the U.S. is now in perpetual war. And Israel has been at war off and on since its modern day founding in 1948.

Here is an alternative approach to Iran. Sit down with them and talk out our differences. Everyone could meet at Camp David, the United Nations or venues across the world. Peacefully resolving one's differences is not profitable to the U.S. military industrial complex but it could help to restore peace and sanity among humanity, all of whom dream of better, happier lives for themselves and for their children.


1 comment:

beachfnt said...

We have been at war (including the Cold War and War on Terror) continually since December 7th, 1941. When the walls around the Soviet Empire began falling and the Cold War ended, we immediately found a threat in Iraq and it has evolved into major military operations.

It has been brilliantly morphed into the "War on Terror" which has no real enemy that can surrender or end the conflict. It is one however that could potentially kill you and your family and therefore tax money that could have been invested in America's future (school, parks, libraries, roads) was spent making weapons.

Hollywood couldn't have scripted this use of scare tactics to fleece the country any better. A truly sad affair and one that we will regret when our borrowing capacity is tapped out and we have become a second rate country.