Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Additional Comments on "Why I Believe In A Better Tomorrow"

Dear Reader, My friend and webmaster Jon Barnes raised some compelling questions that caused me to revise an earlier version of "Why I Believe In A Better Tomorrow." The following is my reply to him, which I hope you will find useful.

Hi Jon,

There you go again, using your logic to require a better written piece. Because of you, I rewrote those two paragraphs you referenced. Thank you.

What America faces is horrific. In the best case, if the economy bounced back based on its current structure of the military industrial complex vast spending of taxpayer money, Wall Street financial engineering and consumer spending (70% of the economy and most of it on foreign made goods) the U.S. will be setup for a collapse so great, people would long for the Great Depression.

But I know the American people can do far better than to allow this to happen and I believe (hope) they will. When Bernard Baruch issued his optimistic piece in 1953, the U.S. had come out of the Great Depression, World War ll (and the Holocaust) and was fighting the Korean War and was threatened by a massive Communist paranoia led by Senators Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon as the Cold War and nuclear threats took center stage. As Baruch did, you and I must find some basis for optimism and offer our readers hope as we seek solutions in the face of massive government corruption, endless wars and an economy that no longer has a viable foundation.


1 comment:

beachfnt said...

While certainly good things could happen, in 1953 the other former industrial powerhouses in Europe and Asia had been crushed. The world economically was truly our oyster.

Today unfortunately, we might want to compare ourselves to the Roman Empire. Corrupt with troops spread across the world.

That said, I'm hopeful that like Apple, we can resurrect this company the way Steve Jobs did!