You have special talents and other attributes that make you unique in this world. Please have enough faith in yourself to fully share those talents with the rest of us, your brethren, and we will all benefit thanks to you.
It is very easy to compromise quality for financial gain. Recently the U.S. was rocked by a "pink slime" scandal when millions of Americans found out that for many years, the meat packing industry has taken cow waste, blood and other slime and packed it into hamburger and other beef products.
The thought of this sickened people and supermarkets and fast food stores quickly distanced themselves from it promising to no longer sell products containing "pink slime." Why did anyone ever carry or use "pink slime?" Bigger profits made on compromised quality.
I publish a free inspirational website, which would draw more readers if I cut the number of words in half, in a world that now twitters and texts on smart phones. The stories are brief as is yet the temptation is to make them briefer. But I refuse to dumb them down.
Now it's up to you. Offer us the full breadth of your talents and attributes to help uplift the world or compromise them and leave us all a little poorer for what might have been.
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