Thursday, May 10, 2012

Will The U.S. Government Collapse From Its Debts?

Your first reaction may be that such a thing could never happen in the U.S., even as you are watching the governments in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain fight for their fiscal lives. But as bad as what they are going through, the situation will become much worse in the U.S., which is by far the biggest debtor nation in the world. Attached is a 6 plus minute clip to show you how bad the situation really is:

But a financial collapse doesn't have to be the U.S.'s destiny. But to solve its problems, its politicians must admit they exist, explain it and define actions and time frames to solve it. Make no mistake, we as Americans must unite to solve our shared problems, and each of us will sacrifice to do it.

But it is better to sacrifice than to find our nation and ourselves in financial chaos. Out of the pain we will endure, we can build a far better government, one that accepts financial responsibility and is answerable to its people, so that such a mess never happens again.

Thank you to my son Kyle for sharing this stunning video with us.

1 comment:

beachfnt said...

This is ugly but the silver lining is that this is solvable TODAY. The article goes nicely on your site which also has the active debt clock!