Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nearly 1 In 4 U.S. Children Now Live In Poverty!

By poverty, I mean they live on the street, in shelters, cheap motels, in vehicles or in garages or some other temporary housing. Or they live in substandard housing, under a roof they could lose at any moment. They are often fearful for their safety and struggle to get enough to eat and to obtain shoes and clothing,while they try to find face saving ways to use a bathroom. 16 Million American Children! Have we lost our minds? What kind of priorities are these?

We have plenty of money to build weapons of mass destruction, fighter jets, drones, ships, tanks and virtually any other weapon known to man, as we fight endless wars and open ever more military bases, all these things in themselves, madness.

But to choose military might and endless war over the well-being of our children, what does this tell us about ourselves? Surely we are better than this, but our actions say otherwise.

To see how nearly 1 in 4 of our children now live, please visit the U.S's most watched news show, "60 Minutes," "Hard Time Generation: Families living in cars," http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7416542n&tag=contentBody;storyMediaBox

To find comfort after writing this piece and re-watching the "60 Minutes" piece, I listened to Louis Armstrong's classic "What a wonderful world," (1968). Please enjoy this beautiful song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5TwT69i1lU

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