Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why The U.S. Government Won't Be Able To Pay Its Bills

The U.S. government is far down the path to defaulting on its debt which will trigger a U.S. financial collapse, the likes of which the U.S. has never seen before. It will bring catastrophic results to all of us Americans, with devastating impact on people all over the world.

Yet most Americans are in denial of this pending collapse because despite the U.S. continuing to borrow, print and spend vast sums of money it does not have, they can't believe this could ever happen to the U.S. Instead, the debate is over more tax cuts, who should get them, how much and whether the U.S. government should spend more money to stimulate the U.S. economy.

Hal Mason, a retired IBM accountant analyzed the U.S. government budget and in a 5 1/2 minute YouTube video explains the depth of the problem we face, why we face it and what can be done to solve it:

However, there is some good news among all the bad news we face. In my opinion when the financial collapse comes, it will encourage people all over the world to unite to help one another, much as was done in parts of the world during the Great Depression of the 1930's.

And working together, we will solve our problems and hopefully become wiser in reigning in government spending, including in the case of the U.S., shutting down its vast war machine and the military industrial complex behind that war machine. Ending that war machine could be a blessing to all mankind.



Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing my video. My hope is that if Americans understand the problem our nation is facing, they will vote to fix it...Hal Mason

Dick Kazan said...

You are welcome Hal. Your video message is very important for readers to see and it was a pleasure to share it with them.