Thursday, April 23, 2009

Will A New Terrorist Attack Come To America?

"Soon we will launch an attack on Washington," proclaimed Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, "that will amaze everyone in the world."

In revenge for the U.S. drone missile strikes in Pakistan that have killed or injured large numbers of people, Mr. Mehsud's organization attacked the police academy in Lahore, Pakistan killing 12 people and vowing more attacks on those who support the U.S.

It's not only Mr. Mehsud making such threats but numerous organizations are vowing to retaliate against the U.S for killing or injuring or orphaning vast numbers of people. For those with money, black market weapons are plentiful including nuclear, chemical and biological.

U.S. officials claim terrorists aren't capable of launching another attack in America. But in 1995, Timothy McVeigh blew-up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City killing 168 people, the deadliest attack in U.S. history until 9/11. And he built his bomb from components available in hardware stores.

How did the U.S. get into such a dangerous position? Reeling from 9/11, the U.S. destroyed Iraq, a nation it still occupies, reeked Hell on Afghanistan, spread that Hell to Pakistan and threatened Iran. This is how America reacted to a small group of terrorists who caused 9/11.

America could have instead appealed to Middle Eastern nations to help bring the perpetrators to justice, but didn't. America could have offered to build schools, hospitals, feed the poor and conduct other humanitarian actions which would have created a close relationship with the people, but didn't. And still does not.

To America, it's about military might. Beating people into submission and killing those who oppose it, calling them "terrorists," "militants," "insurgents," "extremists" and other dehumanizing terms. And thanks to the endless U.S. brutality, American enemies are growing in number and in strength.

More weapons won't protect America for the U.S. already had far more arms and soldiers than anyone else long before 9/11. But a peaceful spirit can. Treat humanity not as enemies but as brethren. Or we can leave it to chance as we do now and I will join with you in hoping this prediction of an attack never comes true.

Please raise your voice and speak for those who have none, the victims of our nation. You really can make a difference if only you will apply yourself and speak from your heart as you send a message we can all hear.


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