Thursday, April 23, 2009

Your Money Is In Peril

Brace yourself for the following: Cash strapped governments trying to tax you 75% of your earnings, gas costing $20 a gallon and bread $20 a loaf. Prices rising daily and the value of your life savings deflating like a balloon with a hole in it. In this chaos 1 out of every 5 working people will be unemployed.

This is hyper inflation and it imperils your money and threatens the financial well-being of us all. Because of the government's actions, inflation and then hyper inflation will soon seize us. I tell you these things not to scare you or make money from you but to alert you because I want you to protect yourself. Here is what is taking place and what you can do about it:

Desperate to save the collapsing economy, the U.S. government is rushing a trillion dollars more into bailouts and debt manipulation. But their rescue is doomed to fail for one cannot solve massive problems caused by reckless spending and out of control borrowing by doing more of it on a grander scale. Nor can a people use credit to shop their way out of problems buying large quantities of other peoples' goods they can't afford.

Worse yet, the U.S. deficit is soaring. This year's deficit alone is now estimated at $1.8 trillion, the biggest in our history and far beyond what the Obama Adminstration had projected just days ago. This doesn't even count our multi-trillion dollar exposure on all the "toxic assets" the government has taken on, in which ironically, it proposes selling part of those assets for pennies on the dollar to some of the same people who caused the problems in the first place and finance it for them.

Meanwhile, our tax base is shrinking rapidly as people are thrown out of work, many large and small business' are failing and real estate taxes are falling. Taxpayers can't afford to pay for these sky-high deficits nor can the government borrow enough to cover them. So the government has begun printing dollars out of thin air to pay for it all.

How can they do this? In 1971, President Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard because too many of our creditors wanted to be paid in gold instead of dollars. Without gold underlying the dollar's value and limiting its availablity, politicians were free to print money as they chose. Now they're doing it. Flooding the market with dollars will destroy confidence in our currency and trigger hyper inflation as far too much paper chases too few goods.

Some of our major creditors such as China are already worried. They don't want to be paid back in hyper inflated dollars and will likely slash future lendings to us, which means we'll run the presses that much more and inflation will grow worse as the situation spirals out of control. If you want to get a sense for what will happen next, Google Argentina.

Can this catastrophe be prevented? Yes! But it requires enormous sacrifice. President Obama spoke of sacrifice but he hasn't actually asked Americans to sacrifice anything. Instead we have endless bailouts and stimulus plans meant to avoid the consequences of our actions, not solve them.

This is what we must do to save our economy and prevent the collapse of our money:

1) END All U.S. WARS IMMEDIATELY! You don't keep spending money you don't have. It's common sense. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and drug wars in Columbia, Mexico and Brazil, are fast draining our Treasury and draining our nation of its humanity. We must also close most of our nearly 1,000 military bases around the world, starting with gigantic money wasters such as the one separating North and South Korea. It has 37,000 U.S. troops plus an enormous support expense, which we've paid since 1953. We were rich then, we're broke now and both Koreas want the U.S military out.

We must also slash our war machine. For example, we've built nearly 200 F-22 fighter jets, none of which we need, at a cost of $143 million each. And with Congress's support, the military wants to build more and also wants to build a new generation of jet fighters. Why? Because they employ thousands of people. China and other nations won't keep loaning the U.S. the money to build these worthless jets and we can't afford them.

2) CREATE THE LARGEST RETRAINING OF AMERICANS IN U.S. HISTORY. The military industrial complex long ago took over our economy. As contractors and sub-contractors they provide millions of jobs, most paid for by taxpayers or by borrowings. These jobs come at a staggering cost and have led us to endless wars. We must reset our priorities and retrain ourselves for our finances leave us no other choice.

To avoid compounding our unemployment we must conduct this employee paid training on a scale bigger than America's ramp up to fight World War ll. But because we're broke it will require the cooperation of our creditors, who will work with us if they see we're taking sensible actions with their money, such as retraining our people to build products that benefit the world like clean and sustainable energy and health care breakthroughs instead of wars, weapons and bailouts.

IN SUMMARY, America is on the road to collapse. Radical changes are coming no matter what, so let's choose a wise course instead of continuing to be victimized by our nation's greed and by its military. If President Obama can find the courage to confront the military, with his charisma, he like Franklin Delano Roosevelt before him, could successfully lead this transition.

My proposal is vastly different than financial experts say is the answer, so why listen to me? Because in 2007 I published "How To Protect Yourself From The Coming Financial Crisis" on, long before many financial experts saw ANY financial problems. Since then I've kept publishing articles to explain what is happening and what will happen next, each of which have been right. Meanwhile most financial experts keep supporting bailouts and stimulus plans despite the failure of them all.

But what I'm proposing is just pie in the sky if you don't get involved, for those in power will continue to make terrible decisions. If the U.S. doesn't change course, our economy will collapse in an explosion so powerful it will shake the world. We must rise to the occasion, and we must also help those in need for what ever happens they will be huge in number. Please believe in yourself and know you really can make a difference in rescuing America from financial and moral collapse. And then together we can lead this nation to become the greatest it has ever been, on behalf of our families and for families everywhere.


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