Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Combat By Camera"

"Combat By Camera, Drones are creating a buzz: Development of unmanned aircraft is revitalizing the Southland aerospace industry as billions of federal dollars pour in annually." Dear Reader, this Los Angeles Times front page story (9/12/10) excitingly discussed all the jobs Drones are creating in Southern California currently employing 10,000 people, and how they're helping to fight the war on terror. In a brief letter to the editor I offer a different perspective.

Seemingly lost in this front page article praising all the jobs Drones create in Southern California is their* primary purpose, which is to rain down Hell on earth killing, maiming or destroying everything in their* targeted path. They're also built at taxpayer expense by a nation rapidly going broke and having to borrow and print money to pay for them.

Drones are nothing to be proud of and a wise nation would redeploy its resources to build profitable products that benefit mankind.

Dick Kazan
* In the email to the Los Angeles Times, I spelled "their" as "they're." To read the Los Angeles Times article, visit: If you are an American this massive out of control military spending is likely taking place near you as well.

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