Monday, December 26, 2011

Are U.S. Soldiers Responsible For Their Actions If they Are Just Following Orders?

No political leader, in the name of God or country, and however charismatic can rightfully order the killing of men, women and children. Some leaders claim their intent is as President Obama says, to cause "to leave the field," men they deem as evil. All the other deaths are attributed to "colateral damage." But as we learned from the Nuremberg Trials, to carry out those orders makes the perpetrator a murderer and puts a horrific burden on one’s soul. If you doubt that, notice from the current wars the high rate of post-traumatic stress disorder, the many divorces and all those ex-soldiers charged with violent crimes.

Note the many drug addicted and homeless soldiers in desperate need of help sleeping under your bridges and along your roads and alleys. And note all the suicides from soldiers who can no longer live with themselves, haunted by the horrors they participated in. As long as we allow politicians to demonize widespread numbers of people and order them killed or maimed and their nations forcibly occupied, this is what those who carry out those orders face, and we. although not having to witness it, are responsible for it as well.


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