Sunday, January 1, 2012

What Is To Become Of America's Middle Class?

When I was young in the 1960's and 70's, the U.S. was a much different place. Those years brought us the great Civil Rights movement and its implementation, the vast Women's Rights movement and its implementation, Medicare, Medicaid, huge funding for public education, widespread infrastructure projects and a greatly expanded safety net for all Americans. People wanting jobs usually got them and the American Dream was meant for everyone.

But today any of these grand plans that cost money, along with Social Security, are under attack. As America expands its military machine, borrowing heavily to do it, we are told that America can no longer afford to take care of its people. As America extends its tax breaks for its wealthiest citizens, its "job creators," the Middle Class is left to struggle, confronted with unemployment, under-employment and for millions more people no longer being counted for being out of work too long, as the "job creators" create jobs overseas but not here.

While the government bailed out 100 cents on the dollar Wall Street and other giant firms, the Middle Class has seen an explosion of home foreclosures and a major and continuing drop in housing values. Nearly 1 in 4 mortgages in the U.S. is now higher than the home is worth and for most Americans, their home is much of their net worth.

Who in government represents the interest of the Middle Class? Both political parties claim to represent the Middle Class even as the Middle Class is becoming poorer and the economy is on the edge of collapse. Yet lobbyists on behalf of giant corporations and the wealthiest citizens deliver campaign contributions to protect their interests, while the Middle Class life style is falling apart. If this is to change, we as Americans must get actively involved in our political system and raise our voices loudly for it is clear that simply casting a vote is meaningless and the system that serves its moneyed constituency so well will not fix itself. But together, we can fix this mess and build a better future for our children and grandchildren. If you are a foreign reader, you too have a vested interest in what happens to the American Middle Class for we are the biggest buyer of your products and services and we will need your support.


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