Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why Must We Fight?

Everything is a battle. The U.S. conducts endless blistering wars as it fights an empty abstraction it calls "The War on Terror," while launching Hell on earth against anyone in its way. While within the U.S. politicians often insult each other and refuse to cooperate on anything except bigger military spending and giant corporate bailouts.

In the Middle East, Israel and some of its Arab neighbors are constantly at each other's throats,and even our Arab brethren sometimes kill each other over being a Shiite or a Sunni Muslim. Meanwhile drug wars rage, killing men, women and children, all to supply a market the U.S. says is forbidden to them. The U.S. says Iran is a "threat" and must be dealt with on the U.S.'s terms, while in Africa, several nations fight or threaten to fight civil wars over political factions or tribal history, as their children and infants die from malnutrition and disease. And the list is endless of current strife and more to come.

Why must all this fighting continue? Don't we have better uses for our financial resources? Don't all major religions condemn warfare, offer the premise of "do unto others as you would have done unto you" and encourage love and charity for mankind? Each of us is on this earth for but a brief time and whether we fight over money, over land, over control of others or whatever else our egos dictate, in the end, it all gets left behind, other than the Karma each soul will bear.

So please, let us end all this war and all this bickering and instead, offer one another love, kindness and a helping hand. If only we will do that, we will witness the miracle of peace on earth, the thing everyone says they hope for.

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate." - Albert Schweitzer (Morning Mantra, 12/21/11)

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