Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Must Be Sold To Support War

This salesmanship is fear based and requires a massive media push. The other guy intends to destroy you and your family if he is not stopped by force. And make no mistake, he is nothing like you and hates you for everything you have. If you are American, the Twin Tower films and its related horrors will do the job.

Why else would you allow your children to be sent off to fight and die? Why else would you let so much of your money be spent on weapons of mass destruction, fighter jets, drone, ships, tanks, military bases and other elements of war? But in case you notice that President Bush didn't send his war age daughters to fight and that President Obama is highly unlikely to send his daughters when they are old enough, you get a pass. Instead of sending your children, the children of others often less fortunate than you are sent. "Contractors" are also hired.

But war is Hell and what your nation is doing with your tax money and all of the money it can borrow against your future taxes will sicken you. So you will not be shown most of the death and destruction. The stories humanizing the enormous pain of mothers, fathers and children of "your enemy" will be almost non-existent, nor will there be many stories humanizing the suffering of your own soldiers and their families.

No, you will be spared all of war's horrors as your government takes action to protect you while not even bothering to ask for your comments. In fact the U.S. Senate, which seldom agrees on anything without extensive political party-line bickering just voted 93-7 to fund the military and its industrial complex with barely any debate and no public discussion. Your job is to shop and go on with life as normal, trusting your government to do the right thing. But as a matter of conscience, if you were to raise your voice for humanity and demand an end to this insanity and all this violence, as with the Vietnam War when people raised their voices, you could bring it to an end.

To learn more about how Americans were sold the Iraq War, please see even a few minutes of the remarkable film, "Leading To War."

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