Friday, December 20, 2013

Americans: Where Are You?

Speaking to you as a fellow American, where are you? Our nation over 12 years ago launched a global "War on Terror," and soon became the biggest terrorist on earth as it invaded and occupied Afghanistan and then Iraq.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are dead, many more have been injured, and large numbers of children have been orphaned. And for what? Is the world a safer place as a result of their suffering?

But all that bloodshed was not enough for the U.S. Government.

This "War on Terror" has now spread to anywhere the U.S. chooses, recognizing the rights of no-one.

Selective murder, torture, endless prison terms without trials and now the latest revelation, the U.S. Government is spying on everyone across the globe.

But none of this bothers you enough to raise your voice, to speak your conscience and to act to end this horror show.

In the 1970's the American people stopped the Vietnam War and it must be the American people that will stop their government's madness in what has now become endless war.

To those who say they don't have the time to get involved, may I suggest that you allocate just three hours, the length of time you will devote yourself to the Super Bowl, and write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper or a blog or offer your at least occasional support to a peace organization, the small handful of people devoted to stopping these wars.

Or visit a Veteran's Hospital to let them know you care as you offer your support. But whatever you do, don't turn a blind eye to all this suffering.

If you don't get involved, who will? Not the lobbyists for the military industrial complex. They and their clients are making a fortune from these endless wars. In our silence, tyranny reins.

It is up to you and me as people of conscience, of compassion, to stop these wars. The next time you hear people sing "God Bless America," think of making America a place worth His blessing, a nation that is a blessing to all of humanity.


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