Thursday, March 20, 2014

Learning To Exercise Self-Control

Two days ago I was driving by a high school that had just let out. Faculty and students poured out onto the street in cars and as pedestrians.

Meanwhile, a campus event was scheduled so additional drivers packed the street and access ways in. The result was gridlock, and traffic inching along. In response, some drivers had a temper tantrum and blasted their horns.

Of course this did nothing to ease the traffic congestion and only made the situation worse for everyone, even the horn blowers as they got no satisfaction from their meaningless actions.

One of the great gifts we as mankind are here to learn in life is self-control. Self-control is easy when events are what we want, but the opportunities to grow come when events frustrate us.

For those who remain calm, and in control of themselves, solutions often present themselves, but in any case most events such as this instance of traffic congestion are soon forgotten, for in themselves they are unimportant. But what does matter is they offer the valuable lesson of self-control, to those wise enough to seek such a lesson.


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