Sunday, December 28, 2014

Are You Who Others Think You Are?

We strive to make a wonderful impression on others. We tell our story, choose our clothes, wear our hair, select our scent and do many other things all to impress others.

We want to attract, to persuade, to be admired, to be popular and we want to be respected and loved by others.

But do they know who we are, given all that we have done to present ourselves in a form meant to accomplish our goals and satisfy our vanity?

And here is the most interesting thing:

For those people who actually care enough to really get to know us, they will find out who we really are. How?

Through time. For over time, and up close, no-one can consistently maintain a facade, as reality will appear.

Whoever you are, whoever I am, whoever the next person is, will become apparent.

If we don't like who we know ourselves to be, we must not try to fool others, not attempt to fool ourselves, but to grow into who we wish to be.

Then we can joyously, confidently, and compassionaetly welcome others into our lives, proud of who we are and thankful for the personal growth that made us this way.



Unknown said...

In The Perfect World, authenticity would prevail. However, many choose arrogance, insincerity, fraudulence leading to crime

Unknown said...

In the perfect world, we would all be authentic but many people go astray with choices of dishonesty and arrogance and broken relationships and crime are the outcome. Choices.

Dick Kazan said...

Good Morning Loyce. However imperfect this world may be, it still comes back to each of us to set the standard that lives in our hearts and makes us compassionate, loving and proud.