Friday, December 26, 2014

Are You Who You Think You Are?

We look in the mirror and we see exactly who we expect to see: The person we sometimes glorify, the one we sometimes despise or criticize, but always we see the most important person of all, for we are the center of our universe.

This is not bad or good, it is reality.

But separated from our ego, who are we? Measured by our actions, what do we stand for? What is it we actually do for others, that we do for their sake and not our own? Are we just a tiny cog in a big world? What wonderful differences do our actions make in this world?

These are hard questions to answer, requiring introspection and difficult judgements.

But whatever we hope to achieve in this life, whatever karma from this life and prior lives we must resolve, whatever spiritual growth we hope to attain, depends upon us accurately assessing ourselves, and not fantasizing our own self-glorification.

At nearly 70 years of age, I'm still assessing who I actually am, and the value of what I do, but I'm determined to be of benefit to others, while thankful for the many good and unselfish deeds I've done.

On this journey, I've learned that "I" is actually "we" for I've never achieved anything without the participation of others. It was only in illusion I ever thought otherwise.

Who am I? Not the person I used to be, but through my many mistakes, someone much better.

Who are you? Only you can make that discovery, and who you are may also turn out to be much better than who you used to be.

But whoever you are, you are someone worthy of love, respect, forgivensee and compassion, and the support of the rest of us as you strive to better yourself.


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