Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Journey Is The Destination

As I walked the beautiful landscape of nature, green trees as tall as office buildings, flowers in bloom the colors of a rainbow and the scents and sounds of nature in abundance, numerous cars sped by on an adjoining street.

Most of those drivers were unaware of the magnificence all around them, for they were focused on reaching their destination as quickly as possible.

They, like most people, don't realize the journey is the destination. From the primal elements of our souls, we need nature, and our lives are much less rich without nature.

And by need, I'm not referring to an annual vacation but to regularly absorbing what is around us each day, in nature and in the many other compelling sights and sounds.

For this is life, and without it we live an empty shell of an existence, ever seeking the next place we must be, as if achieving our scheduled arrivals was life itself.

Most of those drivers reached red lighted traffic signals, the few minutes they saved during their rush now expended in idleness and wait.

Speaking to you as a former race from place to place kind of guy, may I suggest you slow down a bit and take in what is all around you. When you do, you will discover the journey is the destination.


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