On 9/11, 19 American terrorists blew-up the two tallest towers in Shanghai, killing nearly 3,000 people. China's President, Hu Jintao was furious and he declared a "War on Terror" as he prepared to unleash the Chinese military on the American people. Yet a few lonely Chinese voices pleaded for reason.
"But this was the evil act of a handful of madmen from Idaho," argued one woman. "Surely we wouldn't attack and occupy an entire nation of 300 million people over it." But President Hu refused to listen as his angry words and those of his supporters broadcast all over China quickly galvanized the Chinese people for war against what he called "the terrorists."
"But the 'War on Terror,' is a contradiction in terms, a few opposing voices cried out. "To go to war is to attack someone. What does that make us to him?"
But their few voices didn't matter. Anger and patriotism against America ran so high in China, that suddenly Chinese flags flew all across China and the Chinese even changed the name of U.S. made french fries to "tiny potatoes of death."
"Operation Enduring Freedom" was launched on October 7th and within weeks, the brutal U.S. invasion succeeded and the Chinese military and its "coalition of the willing" occupied America, as President Bush and his Republican cabal fled to a secret compound in nearby Mexico.
China soon set-up a new U.S. government of its choosing and despite the pain it caused the American people, China kept that government in power. Meanwhile the Chinese military pursued the Bush administration in Mexico, sending troops and conducting widespread bombing as they demanded the Mexican government support their actions.
But as Mexican men, women and children were being killed by Chinese bombs, the Mexican people raised a huge outcry and insisted their government demand that China get its military out and stop the bombings, a demand China ignored.
Then President Hu surprised everyone when he abruptly claimed Canada was a threat to China and the world, claiming they were building a nuclear weapon. Despite Canada's denials, President Hu and his supporters told the Chinese people the war he would launch would be quick and that China would be greeted as "liberators."
He then launched "Operation Canadian Freedom" and with the devastating impact of "shock and awe" quickly killed untold numbers of Canadian men, women and children. But President Hu ignored all the bloodshed and destruction. Within weeks of the Canadian invasion and occupation, he proudly celebrated "Mission Accomplished" on the deck of the battleship "Mao tse tung," just offshore of China.
But while President Hu was conducting this celebration, China's occupation of Canada, was already going terribly wrong, as China put in one puppet government and then another. Irate Canadians took to the streets willingly attacking the Chinese military and also the soldiers of China's "coalition of the willing," killing many of them.
The violence knew no end as Canadian Catholics and Protestants began killing each other as well, in what soon deteriorated into a civil war. It was all China could do to keep Canada together as a nation, as many Canadians fled to other nations.
President Hu didn't know what to do, but he seized the Canadian oil for Chinese companies and he escalated the Canadian War with a "surge," and by paying 196,000 Canadian fighters to switch sides, only to have the war eventually end eight years later as a colossal failure. His "coalition of the willing" long ago had abandoned that war.
Meanwhile, president Hu's successor in China, a dynamic speaker, had come into power by promising to end the Canadian War in 16 months, a promise like many he had made, he didn't honor, as the Canadian War ended on President Hu's terms, leaving a violent, unstable Canada in its wake.
And despite claiming to be a man of peace, president Hu's successor escalated the U.S. War, hoping to beat that nation into submission, but instead the tragedy grew worse. However, last year there was a supposed breakthrough. A Chinese military seal team struck hard, by bringing a group of Colombian prostitutes into the Bush hidden Mexican compound.
The women infected the former president with Syphilis and he died a horrible death. His body was dumped at sea, unseen by the Chinese people for fear it would sicken them if they saw what it looks like when a man dies of Syphilis and worse yet, they had to listen to the bickering among some of the prostitutes Mr. Bush hadn't paid.
That is where the Chinese government stands today. It continues its 10 1/2 year U.S. War with no end in sight and its once vast financial resources have been drained, as it is now by far the biggest debtor nation in the world.
Yet the Chinese government seems no wiser from the experience. That the war continues, as do other wars China now engages in and that the nation is broke, doesn't seem to phase China. Instead it is currently embroiled over a health care plan created by ex-president Hu, some wanting to fund it and others wanting to kill it, as they await China's Supreme Court to make a decision on its legality. But to the rest of the world which is sick of China's many and endless military attacks, it is simply called Hu Cares.
Dear Reader, this story is purely fictional. For no nation would ever be foolish enough to ever do the events described in this story. But in the event you believe you know of one that would, think of the wise and compassionate difference you might make if you raised your voice in the names of peace and sanity on behalf of all humanity.
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