Monday, April 16, 2012

Who Will Speak For Peace In Afghanistan?

For 18 hours, on Sunday and ending Monday morning, the Taliban launched a major attack in Kabul, hitting embassies, the Afghan parliament and military bases, and they attacked in three other cities as well. With the assistance of the U.S. military and NATO, the Taliban attacks were finally ended

The attacks began with gunfire, followed up with explosions and then intense firefights. "This is our new tactic and is indicative of our strength," stated Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid. "These attacks show that we are capable of launching major attacks and also show that there is cooperation with us from inside the government."*

This is what the U.S. has to show for 10 1/2 years of the Afghan War and President Obama's troop surge. What does the U.S. intend to accomplish in Afghanistan? And why is it worth the continued loss of life? No-one wants to admit the magnitude of failure this war is, after all the lives that have been lost or damaged, the many orphans created and the massive waste of U.S. money.

The Afghan War is an obvious disaster and I strongly encourage the U.S. to call for a cease fire to stop the carnage, negotiate a peace settlement and bring its and NATO's soldiers home safely to their families. But this may not happen for years to come unless you and I raise our voices, for in the silence of the American people, this war continues.

Our Afghan brethren, including their children have no voice in America. If we don't speak up for them, who will? Most U.S. politicians pretend this war is not happening and they are not being held accountable for their horrific actions. But as people of conscience and compassion it is up to us to speak to stop it. One of the greatest things you and I could ever accomplish as Americans, is by our actions, rescue God knows, how many men, women and children from a life of war and an uncertain future.

To learn more about the Taliban assault, please see "Complex Attack by Taliban Sends Message to the West, New York Times,

*Quote taken from "Afghan Insurgents Strike Across Nation: Embassies, Parliament and Military Bases Are Hit in Kabul," The Wall Street Journal

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