Saturday, February 25, 2012

"What's The Point?"

Yesterday my friend Mary Ellen after watching CNN and some of the wars, brutality and poverty that mankind is inflicting on itself called and left a heartfelt message on my voice mail asking, "What's the point?" She added, "If people were just kind to each other, it would solve life's massive problems." She is right. What is the point of us harming each other when we could offer a helping hand and solve so many of the problems we fear.

Half of all humanity lives on $2 a day or less. Vast numbers of people are illiterate and many millions of children die each year of hunger and of diseases that have been eradicated in other parts of the world. Is it too much to ask that instead of spending staggering sums on military might, we instead do what will actually bring us peace and invest that money in food, shelter, clean water, medical care and education so people can thrive and help themselves. Revolutionaries arise from poverty and hopelessness, not from wealth and joy.

We could uplift all of mankind with love and compassion and a helping hand, rather than trying to kill one another in the name of peace. And to help our brethren instead of hurting them is consistent with the teachings of every major religion and is fundamental to us who act from conscience instead of from fear.

Mary Ellen can be found on

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